Can you make money from revenue sharing writing websites? As you may be aware, there are tons of ways of making money online. Of course, it's not easy to identify the right earning opportunity on the Internet. Some Internet workers who have good writing skills, choose to write for revenue sharing writing sites and make money from them. Is it possible to make money from revenue sharing websites? I want to share my experiences with top revenue sharing websites on the Internet with my readers. I do hope, they will find this article useful and informative. Please read on......
Top Revenue sharing writing websites: There are many revenue sharing websites out there on the Internet. However, the most popular writing sites are Hubpages, Triond, Bubblews, Squiddo and Experts Column.
Hubpages: If you want to make money from Hubpages, you must have a Google ad sense account. If you don't have one, then there's no point in writing for this site. Things were fine till this site began to impose strict publishing rules to its writers way back a few years ago. Many writers had to leave the site as they couldn't match with the strict publishing guidelines imposed on them. Hubpages thought this change would improve its quality and increase its overall organic traffic. But, on the contrary, this site lost its traffic as thousand of writers stopped publishing there.
Triond: It's true that Triond was a great place to earn money writing when it was launched way back about 10 years ago. They were paying their writers reasonably then. But, after a few years they had cut down their rates and eventually many of its writers stopped writing there.
Bubblews: I must say Bubblews created new trends in the writing world when it was launched about 3 years ago. They were paying very lavishly to the writers. Writers from all over the world were able to make $200 to $300 easily per month. Making money writing has never been so easy before. But, unfortunately, the site cut down its rates to almost 1% of its old rates a few months ago and yes, most writers stopped writing there too.
Squidoo: This site was great for people who want to promote their products. Those who were making money from affiliate programs found this site very useful. But today even this site has lost its charm. It has become a part of Hubpages now.
Experts Column: This site Experts Column was paying reasonably for about 2 years. Then they had changed their policies and stopped paying its writers.
Conclusion: It's very hard to make money from revenue sharing writing websites. Of course Bubblews was a big exception. I think, you can't make a living writing for a revenue sharing writing website these days.
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Top Revenue sharing writing websites: There are many revenue sharing websites out there on the Internet. However, the most popular writing sites are Hubpages, Triond, Bubblews, Squiddo and Experts Column.
Hubpages: If you want to make money from Hubpages, you must have a Google ad sense account. If you don't have one, then there's no point in writing for this site. Things were fine till this site began to impose strict publishing rules to its writers way back a few years ago. Many writers had to leave the site as they couldn't match with the strict publishing guidelines imposed on them. Hubpages thought this change would improve its quality and increase its overall organic traffic. But, on the contrary, this site lost its traffic as thousand of writers stopped publishing there.
Triond: It's true that Triond was a great place to earn money writing when it was launched way back about 10 years ago. They were paying their writers reasonably then. But, after a few years they had cut down their rates and eventually many of its writers stopped writing there.
Bubblews: I must say Bubblews created new trends in the writing world when it was launched about 3 years ago. They were paying very lavishly to the writers. Writers from all over the world were able to make $200 to $300 easily per month. Making money writing has never been so easy before. But, unfortunately, the site cut down its rates to almost 1% of its old rates a few months ago and yes, most writers stopped writing there too.
Squidoo: This site was great for people who want to promote their products. Those who were making money from affiliate programs found this site very useful. But today even this site has lost its charm. It has become a part of Hubpages now.
Experts Column: This site Experts Column was paying reasonably for about 2 years. Then they had changed their policies and stopped paying its writers.
Conclusion: It's very hard to make money from revenue sharing writing websites. Of course Bubblews was a big exception. I think, you can't make a living writing for a revenue sharing writing website these days.
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