Sunday, August 24, 2014

What is Niche Blogging? is it More Rewarding?

What is niche blogging? Professional bloggers have only niche blogs. What exactly is niche blogging? If you specifically blog on a particular category in a topic, it's called niche blogging. For example if your blog is all about astrology, it's a niche blog of astrology.

Is niche blog more respected by search engines? Yes, search engine rank niche blogs higher, as niche blogs are specialized in a particular category. If a blogger has expertise in a particular field, he/she will choose that category as his/her niche. Normally a niche blogger has a passion for his niche. No wonder he/she can write quality posts on that niche and eventually search engines would rank those blog posts high. A blogger will find it easier to write for niche blogs.

Examples of niche blogs: You can find tons of niche blogs on the web such as make money online, pets, weight loss, fashion, blogging, seo, technology, relationship, numerology, self improvement, loans, finance etc.

Is niche blogging more rewarding? As said earlier, niche blogs earn better respect from search engines. Eventually, niche blogs rank higher with top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. Niche blogs draw organic traffic from search engines. Needless to say niche blogs attract more traffic than general blogs. More traffic means more earnings for bloggers.

Some profitable niches: Law, finance, relationship, weight loss, fashion, beauty care, pets etc., will do well today.

Conclusion: If you want to make money from blogging, it's advisable to choose niche blogging. What is your field of expertise? Choose that as your niche. You may choose one or two niches and blog regularly. You will certainly make handsome money from niche blogging.

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